The day has finally come where Fortnite Season 6 has arrived and we get all new emojis, dances, skins, and now we’re receiving pets. As per usual with any update that is pushed out, there are fixes, improvements, weapons being vaulted, and so on.
Some new locations have popped up such as a floating castle, Corn Fields, Floating Island, Corrupted Areas, and more. Considering October is upon us, this all sounds like a Halloween update and it’s wonderful. There’s a new consumable called “Shadow Stones” which are found typically in corrupted areas and will give you the ability to be “invisible” for a brief period of time. While in the “Shadow Form” you will not be able to use your weapons and only become invisible when stationary.
Shadow Stones
- Consumable typically found around corrupted areas of the map.
- Using a Shadow Stone will apply ‘Shadow Form’ for a brief period.
- While in Shadow Form:
- Unable to use weapons.
- Become invisible to enemies when stationary.
- You become more visible and leave behind a Shadow Trail when moving.
- Gain increased movement speed, jump height and fall damage immunity.
- Gain a new ability, Phase, can be activated by pressing the Primary Fire button.
- Phase: Propels you in the direction you are facing, and allows you to pass through objects.
- The effect lasts 45 seconds but can be exited early by holding down Alt Fire button (aim down sights).
Safe Zone storm circle changes have been made depending on what storm circle you’re at. For example, if you’re at Safe Zone 5, the wait time has been reduced from 90 seconds to 70, while the shrink time has been increased from 40 to 60 seconds. The Locker even has a new UI and it looks nice and more appealing than what it used to be.
Safe Zone 5
- Wait time reduced from 90 seconds to 70 seconds
- Shrink time increased from 40 seconds to 60 seconds
Impulse Grenade, Suppressed Submachine Gun, Light Machine Gun, Bouncer, and Remote Explosives have all been vaulted, so we won’t be seeing those anymore, or at least until Epic decides to bring them back for a bit. However, they will be available in Playgrounds.
Vaulted Impulse Grenade, Suppressed Submachine Gun, Light Machine Gun, Bouncer, and Remote Explosives
- All of the weapons/items added to the Vault in patch v6.0 will currently remain available in Playgrounds.
Pets! You can take them with you in game and will be with you until the very end. You have the option of Bonesy, the dog, Camo the chameleon, and Scales the dragon. Bonesy and Scales have different color options as you tier up in the game for those who have the Battle Pass.

Are you guys excited for the new season of Fortnite? Are you ready for some more challenges, new skins, etc.? Let us know in the comments below or on Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.
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