LEGO have been a staple form of play in many children’s lives. I definitely built more than my share of LEGO castles, pirate ships, etc. back when I was a kid. In the last few years, LEGO have branched out into movie themed video games, and even a LEGO themed movie, many of which have met with great success and excellent reviews. Now, LEGO looks to blur some of the lines between their building blocks and their games with LEGO Fusion. Read on for more information on the new way to LEGO.
E3 Reactions From The Techaeris Staff
The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) of 2014 has come and gone and I thought it would be a good idea to get some reactions from the staff here at Techaeris. There were a lot things announced, and this will allow us to talk about some of our favorites. Keep reading for our lists of a few games to watch.
With Great Numbers On iOS Lumosity Finally Launches On Android
Lumosity, the brain training game for iOS, has finally come to Android adding to its over 50 million users total. Lumosity has been on iOS for some time now and has been extremely popular (rated 5 stars on the Apple App Store).
NVIDIA GeForce Experience Updates with Frame Rate Counter, Desktop Capture and More
If you happen to sport an NVIDIA based graphics card inside your humble gaming PC, then you should be pretty familiar with the NVIDIA GeForce Experience app. It is an app that keeps the drivers for your card updated, allows you set up connection for a NVIDIA Shield, set all the graphic settings needed for your games and a whole lot more. Mostly, it is an amazing piece of software that allows you to record yourself gaming and even stream yourself gaming to Twitch. While I have a GeForce GTX 760 OC card, and do a fair amount of gaming, I am still a bit of a noob in all the things the Experience app is capable of. However, I do know that the update that I was just prompted for is a rather interesting and important update. Here is what is new from the change log presented at update time.
Origin’s On The House: Battlefield 3 And Plants Vs. Zombies Free!

Origin recently started an “On the House” promotion, where they offer a game (or sometimes two) for free. So far they have been older games, but still quality titles for free. This month that trend continues with Battlefield 3 and Plants Vs. Zombies – Game of the Year Edition for the low, low price of Free!
Kickstarter: Harmonix Wants To Kickstart An HD Amplitude Remake
Harmonix – developer of such hits as Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Dance Central – has had other hit rhythm-based games in the past. They’d really like to bring an HD remake of one of them to the Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 with your help! Harmonix has started a Kickstarter in hopes of funding an updated version of Amplitude.
Take To The Skies: Dragons And Titans, A MOBA From WyrmByte
First things first, this review is going to assume a certain level of knowledge of the MOBA genre. I am intentionally not getting mired down with the minutia that is shared between practically every title in the category. If you are unfamiliar with these types of games, I would recommend reading up here, before proceeding further into this review.
Leo’s Fortune Review: Possibly The Most Beautiful iOS Game Ever
Leo’s Fortune follows the story of Leo, a small little fur ball with a mustache and what seems like a Russian accent. You are Leo and you are hunting down the animal that decided he was going to steal your fortune. The game starts off with a short narration and overview of the game, the story and its objectives.
Kickstarter: Storium, Social Storytelling – Write Your Own Adventure
I recently found a Kickstarter campaign for a very novel (pun completely intended) idea. Storium is a web-based multi-player story writing game. Take a second and re-read that last sentence, I’ll wait. From the Kickstarter page:
Playstation 3 Flash Sale: Over 30 Games On Sale This Weekend
Review: Mobile Puzzle Game for Android/iOS
I recently got my hands on the newest game from Itzy Interactive – Vex Puzzles. Vex Puzzles is a match 4/block elimination puzzle game with a few twists. Most notably, the way you actually have to twist your phone during some puzzles to move your blocks. Not all of Vex’s 480 puzzles require your phone’s accelerometer, but enough do that I would be sure to have two hands available during gameplay.
Kickstarter: Planets³, A Voxel-Based World Building Game
I was recently told about a Kickstarter campaign for Planets³, a game that was described to me as Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound mixed with deeper RPG elements inspired by games such as Mass Effect, Skyrim, and Zelda. Having played all of those games for more hours than I can count, my interest was certainly piqued.
Heroes of Steel Review: Mobile Tactical RPG for Android/iOS
I was given access to Heroes of Steel – the upcoming tactical fantasy role-playing game from the Trese Brothers – on November 24th at around 1:30 am. I was getting ready to head to bed and figured I would just install the game and really dive in after I got some sleep. After getting everything downloaded I thought I would just boot it up so I could check out the beginning of the game, but then get some sleep and play more in the morning. The next thing I knew, it was 4am and I was still playing.
Nintendo 3DS XL Expected To Hit Amazon Lightning Deal Today For $149
This is one of those “we can’t confirm so take it with a grain of salt” announcements. We have recieved information that Amazon will be … Read more…
Quick App Review: Duck Dynasty Battle of the Beards HD iOS
Unless you are completely living under a rock (or your a redneck with no TV), you have some understanding of who and what Duck Dynasty … Read more…
Final Fantasy V For Android 30% Off In The Playstore
Those folks looking to pick up Final Fantasy V (legally) but thought the $15.99 price tag was a little steep are in luck, because it … Read more…
Xi3 New Controller Design Concepts With Scuf Gaming?
Xi3 Corporation today announced that it is co-developing with Scuf Gaming new designs and options for gaming controllers optimized for Xi3’s PISTON™ Console.