It’s the end of the year and with 2019 dawning! So you may be interested in what some of the best comic book titles of 2018 were. Well, these are my top 6 best comic book titles of 2018. These are titles you should definitely grab the back issues of and start collecting in 2019! So without further ado… these are my picks for the best comic books of 2018.
Image Comics: Saga
Without a doubt, Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples is my favorite comic book of 2018. This isn’t a kids book by the way. This is full on adult set to a space opera with the drama of Game of Thrones. There is sex, drugs, and murder, along with moving drama and characters you really grow to love and care for.
Now is the best time to get caught up with Saga too, because it is currently in a year-long hiatus so Vaughan & Staples can catch their breath and push for the second and what will probably be the final half of the series. What a cliffhanger they left us on too!!!
Marvel Comics: Venom
Who knew a new Venom monthly would end up being such a great title? Writer Donny Cates has said it is better than Watchmen. While I wouldn’t go that far, I will say that the soft retcon to the symbiote origin, the move to a moody horror feel, and the personal journey of Eddie Brock is a moving one, and one that I think new readers along with old readers will enjoy.
Valiant Comics: Ninja-K
It was a short 14 issue series but what a series it turned out to be. Excellent writing by Chistos Gage really pushed this book to the forefront of my must read comics. From the origins of the MI6 Ninja program to the point where Colin has had enough and Ninjak is going rogue, this series was a fast paced action fest!
Image Comics: The Weatherman
This new book from Jody LeHeup and Nathan Fox is on Image and hit the world in brilliant colors of sci-fi and maybe even a little pseudo cyberpunk glory. The first 6 issues have released, with a small break in between, and it will be returning in the Spring of 2019. The set up is of a Weatherman on Mars that everyone likes but there are bounty hunters and police forces after him for being involved in the killing of 18 billion people on Earth. Action and some comedy ensues. Bonus points for it being the only comic book I know of that has its own official soundtrack of cyber tunes over on Soundcloud.
Marvel Comics: The Amazing Spider-Man
Is writer Nick Spencer getting Peter Parker and MJ back together like most longtime fans have wanted since the travesty of undoing their marriage was concocted? Maybe, at least they are dating and back together in that capacity in this relaunch of The Amazing Spider-Man. This is how the book should be done too. It has a lighter feel to it. It isn’t drowning in a layer of thick drama. There’s humor to be had here. I wouldn’t mind Peter restarting Parker Industries though. Spider-Man Worldwide proved that Spidey could go global. As it stands, this is a great book!
Best Comic Book Event of 2018 – Marvel Comics: Spider-Geddon

Without a doubt I love when the Spider-Verse opens up and up all over the various Spider-Men/Women can get together and take on a menace. I highly recommend this entire storyline and all of the adjoining Spider titles that weaved through it.
And there you have it, my picks for the best comics and comic events of 2018. What was your favorite comic event of the year? What comics are you looking forward to in 2019? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter, Facebook, or MeWe.
Last Updated on February 3, 2021.