It’s that time again for another edition of “Where is Xur, and what is he selling?” This weekend, January 3-10th, Xur is over at the Giant’s Scar landing zone on Io, so spawn in and make your way towards him. Take a look below to see what exotics Xur is selling this week in Destiny 2.
What is Xur selling this weekend?
- Isochronal Engram – 97 Legendary Shards
- Lord of Wolves (Shotgun) – 29 Legendary Shards
- Dunemarchers (Leg Armor) for Titan Class – 23 Legendary Shards
- St0mp E-55 (Leg Armor) for Hunter Class – 23 Legendary Shards
- Sanguine Alchemy (Chest Armor) for Warlock Class – 23 Legendary Shards
- Three of Coins – 31 Legendary Shards
- Invitation Quest – 9 Legendary Shards
Weapon: Lord of Wolves
An exotic shotgun from the “Forsaken” DLC, Lord of Wolves comes with the exotic perk Shrapnel Launcher which causes the weapon to fire a burst of flaming shrapnel in a line. The second perk, Release the Wolves, works by holding down the reload button activates an alternate fire mode that fires double the ammunition with every shot and deals bonus damage.
Titan Gear: Dunemarchers
Just like the Transversive Steps exotic leg armor for Warlocks (see below), Dunemarchers for Titans has the same ability when it comes to sprinting, thanks to the Linear Actuators perk. Continuing on with the Linear Actuators perk, while sprinting and you use your melee, it will cause chain damage to any nearby enemies. It’s a great exotic to add if you don’t have it already.
Hunter Gear: St0mp-EE5
The perk Hydraulic Boosters increase sprint speed and slide distance. Improves High Jump, Strafe Jump, and Triple Jump. So, if you’re all about speed and mobility with your Hunter class, then this is the exotic armor to get.
Warlock Gear: Sanguine Alchemy
Sanguine Alchemy comes with the perk Heightened Senses that gives you and your allies heightened senses while standing in a Rift. This will also allow you to retain your radar while aiming down your sights. Additionally, nearby powerful enemies are visually marked and can be tracked without line of sight.
Be sure to join us next week for another edition of “Where is Xur, and what is he selling?”
Do you guys plan on getting anything from Xur this weekend? Are you enjoying our “Where is Xur?” series? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter or Facebook. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network.
Last Updated on February 3, 2021.