It’s that time again folks for another edition of “Where is Xur, and what is he selling?” This weekend, December 14-17th, Xur is over at the Watcher’s Grave landing zone on Nessus, so spawn in and make your way towards him. Take a look below to see what exotics Xur is selling this week in Destiny 2.
What is Xur selling this weekend?
- Isochronal Engram – 97 Legendary Shards
- Prometheus Lens (Trace Rifle) – 29 Legendary Shards
- Hallowfire Heart (Chest Armor) for Titan Class – 23 Legendary Shards
- Young Ahamkara’s Spine (Gauntlets) for Hunter Class – 23 Legendary Shards
- Wings of Sacred Dawn (Chest Armor) for Warlock Class – 23 Legendary Shards
- Three of Coins – 31 Legendary Shards
- Invitation Quest– 9 Legendary Shards
Weapon: Prometheus Lens
With this being the newest exotic from the “Curse of Osiris” expansion, it’s a great gun to use in PVP as it’ll deal a massive amount of damage to the enemy. While it was bugged once before, it’s still a great weapon to use with its Prismatic Inferno perk causing the beam to grow the longer you hold down the trigger button. Coupled with the Flame Refraction perk, which allows kills to return ammo back into the magazine, you can deal great damage and have your gun reload with each kill you’re awarded.
Titan Gear: Hallowfire Heart
With the main Sunfire Furnace perk, this weapon will improve the recharge rate of your Solar ability while Hammer of Sol is charged. Another add-on is that Solar melee abilities will charge faster. So, if you’re one to be up close and personal, you can get this to help you out.
Hunter Gear: Young Ahamkara’s Spine
Young Ahamkara’s Spine main perk Wish-Dragon Teeth will increase the duration of your Hunter’s trip mine grenades and mark any enemies that have been hit by it. This exotic works well in PVP, but won’t help you as much as the Foetracer exotic will that does the same thing, marking enemies.
Warlock Gear: Wings of Sacred Dawn
Wings of Sacred Dawn is good to have if you use the Dawnblade subclass. The Tome of Dawn perk will suspend you in midair letting you aim down sight and kill enemies and every precision kill you get, you stay in the air for the duration of this effect.
Be sure to join us next week for another edition of “Where is Xur, and what is he selling?”
Do you guys plan on getting anything from Xur this weekend? Are you enjoying our “Where is Xur” series? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter or Facebook. You can also comment on our MeWe page by joining the MeWe social network.
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Last Updated on February 3, 2021.