MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5 review: These socks keep your feet warm

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Techaeris Rated 10/10

A while back, we reviewed a pair of socks called the MP Magic Socks. Those socks basically allowed you to wear them for up to a week without them smelling. And they worked. The same company is back with a new pair of socks that feature 37.5 Tech and claim to keep your feet warm.

Our MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5 review takes a look at a pair of socks that use technology to keep your feet at a constant 37.5°C (99.5°F). Read on to see if they work as well as the company claims.


The MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5 has the following features and specifications:

  • 70% Merino wool
  • 37.5 Technology
  • Fast moisture-wicking
  • Anti-odor
  • Machine washable

What’s in the box

  • MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5


The MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5 are pretty similar in design to the MP Magic Socks. Made from 70% high-performance Merino Wool and Lycra fabric, the socks fit snug without being too tight. They are a little thicker than a regular pair of socks. The socks also have a cushioned sole for extra comfort as well as a breathable mesh on the top of the foot.

The MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5
The MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5.

The socks are also infused with silver, copper, and zinc, like the MP Magic Socks. As a result, these socks also eat odors so you can wear them for extended periods (like an entire weekend while hiking or camping) without having to worry about stinking up tent or other areas when you remove your shoes.

Mostly grey in color, the toes and top of the foot area are black. The socks are also left and right foot formed so there is an L and an R stitched into the appropriate sock just above the toe area.

Most importantly, the socks are machine washable in a cold water cycle. Air drying is recommended. We received two pairs and they have been through the wash and hung to dry four or five times each now and still work as expected and look new.

As mentioned above the socks are quite comfortable and stay on your feet, including up around your calf, due to the design and materials used.


Now for the claims. According to the product description, these socks use 37.5 Tech which is supposed to (in this case) keep your feet at 37.5°C (99.5°F). But what is 37.5 Tech and how does it work?

“Patented 37.5 technology uses active particles made from volcanic sand that have billions of micropores, massively increasing the surface area of the material. These particles also absorb infrared (IR) light in the spectrum that the human body emits it, and this light becomes the energy that powers the particle. If no moisture (sweat vapor) is present, meaning you are cool, the particles retain this energy to warm you. If moisture (sweat vapor) is present, meaning you are hot, the particles use this energy to move moisture out of the clothing system. Without these active particles, water has no reason to leave the microclimate until relative humidity is much higher than is comfortable. Want more? 37.5 active particles also trap odor molecules and then release them when they’re washed and dried. And speaking of washing, because the active particles are permanently embedded in the fiber they will last the lifetime of the garment.”

While I briefly tried the socks on (and they did seem to make my feet a bit warmer), the true test was with my son. We recently found out that he suffers from a condition called Raynaud’s phenomenon. In a nutshell, his feet have a really hard time staying warm due to poor circulation and are often very red or purple, swollen, and very cold. We’ve tried thick socks, camping boot slippers, and the doctor even suggested using Hot Pockets Warmers or the like.

As soon as the socks came, I checked his feet out. They were cold to the touch, red, and swollen. He put the socks on and after two hours, there was a noticeable difference. A lot of the redness was gone and his feet felt less cold. He put the socks back on, wore them overnight, and I checked his feet the next morning. What a difference 12 hours of wearing the socks made. His feet looked almost normal and the best they’ve looked in a long time.

Photos showing feet before, after 2 hours, and after 12 hours of the MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5 being worn
Photos showing feet before, after 2 hours, and after 12 hours of the MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5 being worn.

This wasn’t a one off as well as we tested and checked his feet a few times both while wearing the socks and while not wearing them. The socks consistently helped his feet stay warm and reduced the colouring and swelling as a result.

While wearing the socks, my son said they don’t make his feet sweat at all, and that’s how the socks are supposed to work. Based on the results we got with these socks on his feet, they definitely work as advertised. The second best part? You don’t need to plug them in or anything so you know they’ll work any time you go to put them on.


The MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5 are in the final days of their Indiegogo campaign. Priced at US$48 for three pairs, these are a steal if you suffer from cold feet or just want to help regulate your body temperature. Based on the fact they help my son with his Raynaud’s syndrome makes them worth the price alone, and I’ll definitely be picking up a few more pairs. In addition, we have some secret perk codes that let you save even more while the campaign lasts, saving you an extra 15%.

As with any crowdfunding campaign, there is a risk of supporting them. We’ve recently heard about several that we’ve written about that have failed or are having issues. Our reporting on Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or other crowdfunding campaigns does not mean we support or are affiliated with them. Support at your own risk.

That being said, the company did deliver on their MP Magic Socks and have already blown past their flexible goal. Shipping is anticipated to start in November.

Detail of the MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5
Detail of the MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5.


If you suffer from cold feet, the MP Merino Wool Socks 37.5 are worth every penny. Not only do they keep your feet warm, they are comfortable and also absorb odors. A no-brainer for an Editor’s Choice of 2020 Award here at Techaeris.

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Last Updated on February 3, 2021.


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